Posted on October 15, 2013 by user

We had our first major event on Saturday evening. It went so well!
At first I was a little discouraged to see so many empty pews, but then I remembered that the sanctuary holds over 1000 people. 🙂 In truth, having more than 10 people present would have been a success. But we didn’t have just ten people … or just twenty people … We lost count at 100 heads. One hundred heads created a crowd of  vastly diverse ages, wealths, ethnicities and backgrounds. It was beautiful.
That’s 100 people who care enough about human dignity to come to a film showing about trafficking.
That’s 100 people who want to make an impact in the war on slavery.
That’s 100 people who, when working together, are going to change the world.
What I loved most about the night, however, was not the number of heads who sat and watched a very well-made, but rather despicable film — but the number of people who enthusiastically engaged in conversation with the literature and organizations present. We had tables populated by:

Here are some pics of our evening.

Justice Network
Justice Network
Justice Network team
To see more photos of the evening, visit the Justice Network facebook page.
To explore upcoming events, visit the Justice Network website.



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