Posted on September 1, 2020 by Victoria Tiedemann

With a new school year beginning, many families are still concerned about school at home and what their kids are accessing while doing their necessary work.  Some guidelines provided by The Blue Campaign through Homeland Security shares great information on how to be more aware of their activity.

“Below are several safety tips to keep in mind while surfing the web and using social media:

  • Never share pictures of yourself online that you wouldn’t want to be seen by your family, teachers, or a total stranger.
  • Set user profile to private so only real friends can get access. Know who you’re chatting with – a “friend” is not always a friend.
  • Treat people online as you would in person: be polite!
  • Don’t share personal information online such as your full name, school, address or phone number, or user passwords.
  • Don’t meet up in person with anyone you met online.
  • Report suspected abuse to law enforcement or a trusted adult.”

We have a blog post from a few months back that talks about some internet safety which has great insights as well.

If you happen to spot something suspicious with questionable situations surrounded by possible internet safety, abuse, or trafficking, then iGuardians: Combating Child Predators has a lot of information to help you out.



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