Posted on July 23, 2018 by Victoria Tiedemann

One of the best ways to find out how bad modern slavery is and how much work is being done to bring an end to it, is by going to Global Slavery Index.  Each year they bring out amazing info graphs from their studies through Free The Slaves.
Although this research isn’t as hefty and thorough as the TIP Report, it gives great insight to the world around us and how much human trafficking is everywhere.  For information and research on the largest countries in the world with the highest economies; the Country Studies Overview is truly insightful.  It lists Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States.  Each country has about 16 minutes of read time broken down similarly as to the TIP Report.
The main portion of the report gives a short break down of 167 countries.  You can see the prevalence ranking based on population, vulnerability, and how much law work there is in a country fighting human trafficking.  For instance, North Korea/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was a 1/167 prevalence, meaning they have the most modern-day slavery in the world.  Every 104.56/1000 citizens are forced into a form of human trafficking, which breaks it down to about 1 in 10 citizens. 73.3/100 are vulnerable to human trafficking.  They alone have a 2,640,000 who are living in slavery today.  While on the opposite spectrum, Japan is 167/167 on the prevalence of human trafficking based on population of people.  0.29/1000 people are in slavery, where a total of 37,000 in their country are in human trafficking, leaving 13.81/100 people vulnerable to human trafficking.  This doesn’t mean they are number one for fighting human trafficking, but just have the least amount of it considering how large their population is.
Let’s go into the rating system.
AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC, C, D are the available grades given to government responses towards human trafficking issues.  How well does the law help victims? How long does the law incarcerate traffickers?  How well are laws implemented and kept to avoid human trafficking issues in a country?  Wondering who got the best and worst ratings overall?  Unfortunately NO country got an AAA or an AA rating, but Netherlands is the only country who gets an A! We can only hope that the whole world will one day have an AAA rating!  The lowest rated countries with a D rating were the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Libya, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, and Islamic Republic of Iran.  The fact that so many countries are that low is heartbreaking.
Curious how the United States did in this study? 
Based on prevalence, the US has a 158/167 with a BBB rating in regards to the policies that go in line with laws trying to fight human trafficking.  While in the past estimates of how many are forced into human trafficking in our country was said to be between 125,000-300,000. It has risen up to 403,000.  That means every 1.26 of 1000 people are living in modern-slavery in the US.  That leaves 15.88/100 vulnerable to human trafficking.
The last huge highlight in the Global Slavery Index is the forced labor in supply chains situation.  Their overview states, “We found that, when looking at the ‘top 5’ at risk products in terms of dollar value, G20 countries collectively import $354 billion worth of products at risk of being produced by modern slavery per annum.”
G20 countries are the countries that are seeking the demand for importing goods. There are several goods that are asked for the most by these countries.  Afterwards these goods were examined further to find the top 5 products with the highest levels of human trafficking involved where sourcing tends to involve exploitation and modern-day slave labor to the fullest. Here’s what they came to a conclusion on. It is color coded to understand how much money is invested in each product per G20.



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