About the Event:
Michelle Lazor will be presenting Trades of Hope to those who come to the event. You can see the artisan made pieces in person! Come hear a presentation by Yesenia Fermin, Exec Dir of Bethany Christian Services about their trafficking survivor program.
CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE EVENT? Shop online at: http://bit.ly/2pv9cPP.
Let us know if you can make it to the event by going to our Facebook event page!
Please share this post and/or the flyer above with friends and family!
What is Trades of Hope?
Trades of Hope sells goods and jewelry made by trafficking survivors and women in difficult situations. You can help provide for their needs while being able to own stunning products at the same time. They help advance education for women and children, provide work in safe environments and conditions, help teach about finances to their workers, give health and counseling services, and improve communities that are in development.
What is Bethany Christian Services?
Bethany Christian Services is an amazing non-profit organization that helps with pregnancy counseling, adoptions, and foster care with a viewpoint of showing them the love of Jesus. They also have a trafficking victim assistance program which we’ll be learning more about!