Posted on December 11, 2017 by user

Our very own Victoria Tiedemann hosts a regular podcast with her husband, Rob. They call it “Simply Us” — which is perfect since they focus a lot on minimalism, family, and thoughtful priorities.
Their latest episode centers on the role that fair trade and ethical consumerism play in the fight against human trafficking. If you are an abolitionist … if you strive to promote freedom and live in a slave-free world … you must seriously evaluate where you spend your money.
During this season of spending and gift-giving, how might our purchases support slave labor? What’s the difference between fair trade and direct trade? Where can we find these suppliers? How do we shop ethically? And how can we confront more companies to end human trafficking?
Take some time to listen. It’s a natural, thoroughly informed, and thought-provoking conversation. At the end of the post, you’ll find links to each of the resources referenced.
CLICK HERE to listen



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