Posted on January 16, 2017 by user

itcouldbeme2017In partnership with Love True and in the continuation 0f Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we are glad to talk about the It Could Be Me campaign.
Love True discusses both myths and facts about human trafficking on their blog.  The hope is that you will be able to learn the truth about what some might say and what the reality actually is.
Here are some of their blog titles:
Myth: Everyone in the USA Has Access to the Same Freedom
Fact: Legally There is No Under Age Prostitute in the State of NJ
Myth: Victims of Sex Trafficking Are Always Kidnapped or in Physical Captivity
Fact: Anyone Can Be Vulnerable to Sex Trafficking Despite their Socioeconomic or Gender Status
No matter what your gender, age, or race; you could become a victim of human trafficking.
Here’s a quick rundown on what you can do on social media for the rest of the month to help spread awareness about human trafficking issues.
We recommend that you possibly quote some of what they have mentioned on their blog or take a ready-made status from their campaign options when you post your picture.  Want to write up your own? That’s fine too!  Make sure you double check to make sure that your information is fact.



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